La Vallette Challenge

Floral Guernsey are hoping to facilitate the much needed return to glory of the storm battered bathing pools.
With help from the community the plan is to restore and re-open the gent's and horseshoe pools.
The changing rooms will be refurbished and the whole area enhanced.
Seating areas will be refurbished and the raised garden replanted, returning La Vallette to its glory days as a Victorian Promenade.
For more information please contact us at [email protected]
Anyone wishing to donate funds can do so by making a direct online payment to our bank as follows
Account: Floral Guernsey Foundation
Account Number: 23955567
Bank: HSBC
Sort Code: 40-22-25
or by sending a cheque made payable to 'Floral Guernsey' to us at:-
The Treasurer, Floral Guernsey Foundation, Grange Court, The Grange, St. Peter Port.